Contact lenses have been in use for many years now to aid in correcting refractive errors. Today, there are many types of contact lenses – hard and soft, permanent and disposable, even cosmetic ones (e.g., coloured contacts). Each one of these lenses is designed for a specific purpose and requires maintenance and/or replacement.

Generally, contact lenses are safe to use. However, if there is improper use or handling, complications may arise. The following are some of the more prevalent and serious problems connected with using contact lenses:
Dry Eye
Prolonged contact lens usage might cause dryness of the eye. If you have a dry eye condition, you should use contact lenses with caution since the risk of infections and other related issues is higher.
Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis & Allergies
Extended wear of contact lenses which are foreign bodies in the eye may cause allergic reactions such as giant papillary conjunctivitis. Symptoms which include itching, mucus discharge, or redness, will get worse if the contact lenses are continued to be used.
Overwearing Of Contact Lenses
As contact lenses reduce the amount of oxygen delivered to the cornea, individuals who wear them for extended periods of time or who sleep with them may experience pain, redness, and swelling of the cornea. In some cases, a substantial epithelial defect on the surface may expose the eye to a high risk of serious infection.
Infections From Improper Use
Contact lens infections or microbial keratitis can occur as a result of poor lens cleaning regimes or excessive use of the lenses. Micro-organisms from the unclean lenses can penetrate the cornea and cause corneal ulcers. This can be dangerous because it can result in blindness. Seek immediate medical assistance to prevent loss of vision.
Drooping eyelids
Prolonged contact lens use especially of hard lenses, may cause eyelids to droop.
If you wear contact lenses and are experiencing blurring, redness, or pain, you should remove them straight away. If the symptoms are severe or persistent, you should see an eye specialist immediately.